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Listen to the Podcast: Episode #12 Nicole Comis: Owner of The Shoppe

Nicole Comis, the fashion-forward entrepreneur behind West Boca's unique concept store, The Shoppe, is our guest for this episode. Her fashion expertise, honed over a 25-year long career which includes running her own fashion agency and managing a stylish New York showroom, has culminated in the creation of a space that seamlessly merges fashion, beauty, and wellness. The Shoppe offers an eclectic range of services, from providing contemporary fashion and accessories to offering full-service hair styling, eyebrow design, and wellness treatments like massages and facials. Nicole's passion for her craft is palpable as she details her exciting journey, adding a vibrant New York energy to West Boca.

In her in-depth discussion, she emphasizes the importance of understanding what you purchase, ensuring you get the best quality in every transaction. But it's not all business with Nicole, as we also get a glimpse of her downtime activities. So tune in, as we explore Nicole's world of fashion, beauty, and wellness, and witness the evolution of West Boca's retail scene.

The Shoppe is located at: 9101 Lakeridge Blvd, Boca Raton